W. Aquino, J.C. Brigham, M. Aguilo and P.J. Diamessis “A Spectral Element Approach for Modeling Soft Biological Tissue under High-Frequency Harmonic Excitation” , Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2011, 200, pg. 692-698.
Mass Transfer Model of Nanoparticle-Facilitated Contaminated Transport in Saturated Porous Media
W.L. Wan Johari, P. J. Diamessis and L.W. Lion “Mass Transfer Model of Nanoparticle-Facilitated Contaminated Transport in Saturated Porous Media”, Water Research. 2010 44, pg. 1028-1037.
The numerical solution of the pressure Poisson equation for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations using a quadrilateral spectral multidomain penalty method
J.A. Escobar-Vargas, S.M. Joshi, P.J. Diamessis, C.F. Van Loan “The numerical solution of the pressure Poisson equation for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations using a quadrilateral spectral multidomain penalty method” , (In preparation for SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing).
A Quadrilateral Spectral Multidomain Penalty Method Model for High Reynolds Number Incompressible Stratified Flows
J.A. Escobar-Vargas, P.J. Diamessis and T. Sakai “A Quadrilateral Spectral Multidomain Penalty Method Model for High Reynolds Number Incompressible Stratified Flows” , (in review in the International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids).
Higher-order discontinuous element-based schemes for the inviscid shallow water equations: spectral multidomain penalty vs. discontinuous Galerkin methods
J.A. Escobar-Vargas, P.J. Diamessis and F.X. Giraldo “Higher-order discontinuous element-based schemes for the inviscid shallow water equations: spectral multidomain penalty vs. discontinuous Galerkin methods ”. Applied Mathematics and Computation ; 218, 2012, pg. 4825-4848.
Effective Numerical Viscosity in Spectral Multidomain Penalty Method-based Simulations of Localized Turbulence
P. J. Diamessis, Y.C. Lin and J.A. Domaradzki “Effective Numerical Viscosity in Spectral Multidomain Penalty Method-based Simulations of Localized Turbulence” , Journal of Computational Physics, 2008, 228, pg. 8145-8164.
Boundary layer separation and vortex shedding beneath internal solitary waves
P. Aghsaee, L. Boegman, P.J. Diamessis and K. G. Lamb “Boundary layer separation and vortex shedding beneath internal solitary waves” , Journal of Fluid Mechanics ; 690, 2012, pg. 321-344.
Nonlinear generation of harmonics through the interaction of an internal wave beam with a model oceanic pycnocline
Diamessis, P.J.,Wunsch S., Delwiche, I. and Richter, M.P. “Nonlinear generation of harmonics through the interaction of an internal wave beam with a model oceanic pycnocline”, (Submitted to Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans).
Reflection of an Internal GravityWave Beam off a Horizontal Free-Slip Surface
Zhou, Q. and P.J. Diamessis “Reflection of an Internal GravityWave Beam off a Horizontal Free-Slip Surface” , Physics of Fluids ; 25, 2013 Article 033601.
On the Generation and Evolution of Numerically Simulated Large Amplitude Internal Gravity Wave Packets
A.M. Abdilghanie and P.J. Diamessis “On the Generation and Evolution of Numerically Simulated Large Amplitude Internal Gravity Wave Packets” , Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics ; 26, 2012, pg. 205-2245.
The Internal Wave Field Emitted by a Stably Stratified Turbulent Wake
A.M. Abdilghanie and P.J. Diamessis “The Internal Wave Field Emitted by a Stably Stratified Turbulent Wake” , Journal of Fluid Mechanics ; 720, 2013, pg. 104-139.
Similarity Scaling and Vorticity Structure of High Reynolds Number Stably Stratified Wakes
P.J. Diamessis, G.R. Spedding and J.A. Domaradzki “Similarity Scaling and Vorticity Structure of High Reynolds Number Stably Stratified Wakes”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 671, 2011, pg. 52-95.