P.J. Diamessis, R. Gurka and A. Liberzon “Spatial Characterization of Vortical Structures and Internal Waves in a Stratified Turbulent Wake Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition”, Physics of Fluids, 2010, 22 article 086601.
Numerical Investigation of Solitary InternalWave-Induced Global Instability in Shallow Water Benthic Boundary Layers
P. J. Diamessis and L.G. Redekopp “Numerical Investigation of Solitary InternalWave-Induced Global Instability in Shallow Water Benthic Boundary Layers” , Journal of Physical Oceanography, 2006, 36, pg. 784-812.
Self-Preservation in Stratified Momentum Wakes
P. Meunier, P.J. Diamessis and G.R. Spedding “Self-Preservation in Stratified Momentum Wakes”, Physics of Fluids, 2006,22, article 106601.
A spectral multidomain penalty method model for the simulation of high Reynolds number localized incompressible stratified turbulence
P. J. Diamessis, J.A. Domaradzki and J.S. Hesthaven “A spectral multidomain penalty method model for the simulation of high Reynolds number localized incompressible stratified turbulence” , Journal of Computational Physics, 2005, 202, pg. 298-322.