Diamessis, P.J.,Wunsch S., Delwiche, I. and Richter, M.P. “Nonlinear generation of harmonics through the interaction of an internal wave beam with a model oceanic pycnocline”, (Submitted to Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans).
Diamessis, P.J.,Wunsch S., Delwiche, I. and Richter, M.P. “Nonlinear generation of harmonics through the interaction of an internal wave beam with a model oceanic pycnocline”, (Submitted to Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans).
Zhou, Q. and P.J. Diamessis “Reflection of an Internal GravityWave Beam off a Horizontal Free-Slip Surface” , Physics of Fluids ; 25, 2013 Article 033601.
A.M. Abdilghanie and P.J. Diamessis “On the Generation and Evolution of Numerically Simulated Large Amplitude Internal Gravity Wave Packets” , Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics ; 26, 2012, pg. 205-2245.